Home Circuits Simple 5 LED chaser Circuit with BC549 Transistor

Simple 5 LED chaser Circuit with BC549 Transistor


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This LED Chaser circuit is based upon a BC549 Transistor coupled with some other components such as resistors and capacitors. The Transistor is the main culprit for the led Flashing. You can use any value of the capacitor in this circuit. Higher value capacitors give high Delay while chasing and lower valued caps give fast chasing speed.


00:00 Simple Electronics Project with BC549 Transistor

00:21  Flat Top Multi-Color LEDs Used in the LED Chaser Circuit

04:10 Connect all LED +ve Together

06:01 Resistor connection with LEDs

06:44 NPN Transistor Pinout for BC549

08:30 Capacitor used for Simple Electronics Project 

10:54 Resistor used for Simple Electronics Project 

13:47 Schematics/ PCB Making software i.e. Altium I am using right now. 

14:23 Circuit Diagram of Simple Electronics Project  with BC549 Transistor

14:40 Ending Of Simple Electronics Project with BC549 Transistor


Needed Components Online Link About Simple LED Chaser Circuit with BC549 Transistor:

Amazon US:

Amazon India:

**Note: Use a heat shrink tube for making all connections Secure.


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#Electronics #Circuit #simple